News App for Updates

We recently activated the School News app by Edlio, our website provider.  The app is a simple way to view the school’s news feeds and calendars, and also receive push notifications directly from us. 


It’s free to download to your iOS or Android phone and quick to set up:School News by Edlio in the Apple App Store

  1. Go to the App Store or Google Play and search for “School News by Edlio” to install.
  2. Open the app and search for Marion Center Area School District; tap “Add School.” You may also add the school(s) that your child(ren) attend(s) to the App as well.  All updates on the COVID-19 Closure will be communicated through the Marion Center Area School District, rather than the individual schools. 
  3. Enable push notification by going to the Alerts tab and tapping “Enable Notifications.”

All of the news and events posted to our website are posted on the App for easy access. We’ll send push notifications out to keep you updated on urgent news, as well as continue to keep you updated through our website, School Messenger system, and facebook.  





For step-by-step instructions with images, open the steps below: