PreK - 6 Packets » Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade

Grade 5 ELA Practice Activities

Reading Activity Pack

This At-Home Activity Packet includes two parts, Section 1 and Section 2,  each with approximately 20 lessons in it. We recommend that your child complete one lesson each day.  Children will need the support of an adult or older student to complete these lessons, unless they can read independently. Encourage your student to do the best they can with this content. The most important thing is that they continue to work on their reading!


Issued: March 30, 2020  Grade 5          Answer Key: Grade 5

Issued: April 13, 2020    Grade 5          Answer Key: Grade 5 


Writing and Language Lessons

Writing and Language lessons offer daily writing opportunities and language skills practice. Lessons are split into two parts with the first part focused on writing and the second part focused on language practice. These lessons can be worked on independently or with your support.


Issued: April 13, 2020    Grade 5        Answer Key:  Grade 5


Independent Reading Activity Bingo

Independent Reading Supports provide tools to encourage students to share reading with others, write in response to reading, and build curiosity about words and topics they are reading about, and can be used alongside any type of reading.


Issued: April 13, 2020     Grades 4–5


Grade 5 Math Practice Activities

Math Review and Enrichment

The Math review and enrichment sheets are practice sheets pulled from the Go Math curriculum used in school.  Click on the PDF below to access these activities.  Children should complete 1 - 2 lessons per day.  They should also practice the activities found in the links below (provided by Curriculum Associates), to stay sharp with the standards covered up to this point in the school year.    
Issued March 30, 2020:
Grade 5         Answer Key: Grade 5  
Issued April 13, 2020:  

All activities below were issued with the March 30, 2020 packets.  These are great activities to practice continually throughout the closure.

Volume and Cubic Units

Activities | Answer Keys


Multiplication and Division with Whole Numbers

Activities | Answer Keys


Addition and Subtraction with Fractions and Decimals

Activities | Answer Keys


Multiplication and Division with Fractions

Activities | Answer Keys


Grade 5 Science and Social Studies Lessons


Grade 5 Special Area Activities

Below are lessons provided by our teachers of Art, Computer, Library, Physical Education, and Music.