TAG Class
Talented and Gifted Class
TAG (Talented and Gifted) enrichment class stresses the importance of creativity, collaboration, and working through failures to success. The focus in class is cross curricular, creative, real-world problem solving. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) topics are heavily focused.
An independent project is also part of TAG class, where students spend time throughout the year researching and creating a project based on their individual academic strengths and interests. Past topics have included language learning, robotics, computer programming, science experiments and research, and engineering. Students create and meet deadlines, keep a progress journal, and present their findings at the end of the year.
Depending on age, students are also given the opportunity to participate in various rigorous competitions including the Future City Engineering Competition and the K’NEX STEM Design Challenge.
Links for more information
Links for competitions and "brain snacks"